Why Buy Fair Trade
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When you treat farmers and workers fairly, everyone benefits. Fair trade helps businesses source products that are ethically and sustainably produced while giving consumers confidence that the people behind the products they buy get a fair deal for their hard work.
Fairtrade is about making sure people get their fair share of the pie. The whole concept of Fairtrade goes to the heart of our values and the sense of right and wrong. Nobody wants to buy something that was made by exploiting somebody else.
Purchasing products that are fair trade certified can reduce poverty, encourage environmentally friendly production methods and safeguard humane working conditions. Simply look for the fair trade label on products such as coffee, chocolate or clothing.
3. The fair trade license fees generate funds, which are given to the fair trade communities. This money is specifically designated for social, economic and environmental development projects such as scholarships, schools, quality improvement and leadership training and organic certification. Each community determines how their funds will be used through democratic systems.
5. Fair trade certified products are free of genetically engineered ingredients, and must be produced with limited amounts of pesticides and fertilizers and proper management of waste, water and energy.
Fairtrade is one of the greatest successes of the ethical consumer movement. In recent years it has become a mainstay on supermarket shelves appearing on food products as diverse as wine and bananas. But what exactly is it and why is it so important
If prices in the global market drop below this level farmers selling to Fairtrade distributors or companies can be sure they still get a fair price for their bananas and won't slip into poverty or make a loss on each box sold.
The Fairtrade price paid by consumers also contains a 'premium'. This is an amount of money on top of the price of the product. This 'premium' is used for investment in local projects and infrastructure such as better sanitation, schools and local medical facilities.
Fairtrade sales increased 13.7% between October 2019 and October 2020 (ahead of total grocery which increased by 9.4%). This is set to strengthen even further as 28% of people plan to purchase Fairtrade in the future, compared to just 15% pre-pandemic.
The reason this blog starts talking about marginal gains is because there is a similar premise behind Fairtrade and sales. When a farmer or co-operative becomes fairtrade certified it is sadly not a magic pill that instantly cures all ills. There may already be existing problems that have built up over many years, such as debt accrued in order to buy fertilisers, or insecticides, or food to recover from a bad harvest. It can take time and hard work to sort these out.
The more sales, the more premium to invest in the community, the more produce is protected by the Fairtrade Minimum Price which guarantees the farm will at least get the cost of production in times of global price crash, and more money comes to the co-operative group that can be spent on projects to benefit the wider community, be it investments in vital infrastructure, improving roads, or a maternity hospital, purchasing an ambulance, or environmental projects, such as reforesting. So, for every banana to every coffee bean that is sold on Fairtrade terms, a bit more premium goes to the co-operative, meaning an improvement somewhere in their community.
Fair trade, defined simply, is when producers in developing countries are paid a fair price for their work, by companies in developed countries. Here are 6 reasons why you should buy Fair Trade products:
When you buy Fair Trade Products you are able to see who are the people that are involved in the process of manufacturing and supplying your products, from the farmer to the production and logistics. Best part of all this You can see who you are helping and the community you are having an impact on by just buying a fair trade product.
Fairtrade ensures that women have the same protection and salary as men. This is the change we need to give to the future generations so they live in a world where everyone has the same opportunities, regardless of gender. And you can be part of this fight against inequality with the companies that are Fair Trade certified.
This is one of the best things about Fair Trade! All the workers are protected so their human rights are not violated. With Fair Trade, every worker is ensured to have fair wages, social security, leave time, and contracts. It may seem that this is something that already every person has, but reality is quite different. Luckily we can make the difference, and it all starts with simply choosing the right coffee or the right place to buy your clothes!
Fairtrade is the most recognized and trusted sustainability label in the world. We are a global organization that is co-owned by more than 1.8 million farmers and workers who earn fairer prices, build stronger communities, and have control over their futures.
For most Fairtrade goods there is a Fairtrade minimum price which acts as an important safety net, protecting farmers from fluctuating market prices. This ensures farmers can earn and expect a stable income and plan for their future.
Fairtrade banana producers are paid a Fairtrade Minimum Price that acts as a safety net against falling prices. This price varies by region, factoring in local conditions and aiming to cover the average costs of sustainable production.
The Fairtrade Standards are designed to improve employment conditions and protect the rights of workers in the large plantations where the majority of export bananas are grown. In recent years Fairtrade has undertaken pioneering work to define and progress toward living wages for banana workers.
They decide together and democratically how to spend the Fairtrade Premium to reach their goals, such as improving their farming, businesses, or health and education in their community. Farmers and workers know best what their priorities and needs are.
Farmer-owned cooperatives are central to Fairtrade. When small farmers join together and organize themselves democratically, they have more resources and more power in trade relationships, ultimately resulting in higher incomes.
We are the only major certification label that guarantees farmers earn a price that supports costs of sustainable production, and in 2019 we increased our Fairtrade Minimum Price by 20 percent. Farmers can always negotiate and earn more when market prices are higher.
Just like an organic certification, Fair Trade Certified lets you know about the origin of your coffee. While Fair Trade Certified coffee comes from all over the world, the coffees all have one thing in common: the farmers receive a fair pay, and their communities and environment benefit as well.
Fair Price: Coffee farmers receive a fair price for their harvest. They also receive premiums for community development projects, like improving water supplies, tree planting, clean energy and education. If the coffee is Fair Trade and organic, like our Death Wish Coffee blends, the farmers receive even higher premiums.
Direct Trade: Fair Trade coffee farmers trade directly with the importers who purchase from Fair Trade producer groups. By eliminating unnecessary middlemen, coffee farmers are empowered to compete in the global marketplace.
Products bearing these Marks meet the internationally agreed social, environmental and economic Fairtrade Standards. The FAIRTRADE Marks are registered certification marks and trademarks owned and licensed by Fairtrade International.
The original FAIRTRADE Mark has always stood for fairly produced and fairly traded products. It also means the product is fully traceable (kept separate from non-certified products) from farm to shelf. You see this Mark on single-ingredient products, such as bananas and coffee.
The FAIRTRADE Cotton Mark indicates that a product is made with raw cotton that has been fairly produced and traded, which is directly traceable through all stages of production and separated from non-Fairtrade cotton during processing. A blended fabric can carry this label if 100 percent of the cotton used in the blend is Fairtrade certified.
These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade cocoa in a breakfast cereal. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified.)
In this sourcing model, the composite product carries these labels to indicate that the ingredient is Fairtrade certified, such as Fairtrade cashews used in a package of mixed nuts, or Fairtrade honey used in a cereal where the rest of the ingredients are not Fairtrade (even if they could be sourced as Fairtrade).
The Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient model allows farmers and workers more opportunities to sell their produce on Fairtrade terms and gives companies greater flexibility to incorporate Fairtrade ingredients into their products, product ranges or even across their whole business. It also gives consumers more options to shop sustainably. Ingredients sourced under this model continue to be certified according to same Fairtrade Standards, and producers still receive all the same benefits.
The Fairtrade Sourcing Program was a first step in providing an additional way for businesses to commit to source one or more Fairtrade certified ingredients to use across product ranges or even their whole business. This sourcing model was only available for cocoa, sugar and cotton. As with the newer white Fairtrade Sourced Cocoa Mark, if you see the Fairtrade Cocoa Program Mark on a chocolate bar, it means that all of the cocoa is Fairtrade certified, while other ingredients, such as vanilla or sugar, may not be.
The Fairtrade Cotton Program Mark means that a business buys an agreed amount of raw cotton on Fairtrade terms to use throughout their product ranges. It means the cotton doesn't have to be kept separate, allowing businesses to scale up their Fairtrade commitment. The amount or percentage purchased is communicated clearly. 59ce067264